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meet a better self

In the ceaseless journey of life, whether painful experiences or joyful memories, everything we have encountered has already become a part of history. However, the greatest wonders of life do not reside solely in the frozen moments of the past—they still rest in the realm of possibilities in the future. To embrace the future with hopeful expectations, we must constantly strive to create a better version of ourselves.

Striving for a better version of oneself is both a profound transcendence of the present self and an ideal grasp of the future self. It embodies boundless self-confidence and tireless pursuit of personal development. Everyone aspires to create a better version of themselves, and everyone is capable of doing so. For lawyers, creating a better version of oneself means elevating their instincts to the freedom of humanity, solidifying individual desires into a fulfilling personality, and transforming their visions of the rule of law into monumental structures of human civilization. Undoubtedly, this is the highest value we should give to the meaning of a lawyer’s life.

However, "the greatest enemy of a person is oneself." Challenging oneself, surpassing oneself, and shaping a better version of oneself are the deep self-awareness and ultimate pursuit of perfection for each individual. Yet, it often requires immense effort, struggle, and even undergoing transformative experiences. Overcoming oneself is the hardest task, while forgiving oneself is the easiest. Succumbing to laziness and complacency is the path of mediocrity. A better version of oneself is not a delusional illusion or an empty construct. It is not achieved without enduring countless trials and tribulations, like the cutting winds and freezing blades or the scorching heat and relentless hardships. From where, then, shall a better version of oneself emerge?

Therefore, as an ideal state of self-development for lawyers, continuously creating a better version of ourselves, is not only a great goal we yearn for but also a revolutionary process of keeping mutual adaptation and transformation between the structure of individual qualities and the objective reality of the environment. In this process, lawyers need to invest their entire experiences and wisdom while seeking the support of the external environment and development platforms. A better version of oneself is not solely predetermined by the individual's inherent nature and abilities, nor is it an abstract development within oneself. Its achievement requires lawyers to constantly draw support from all possible sources in the real environment. Therefore, when I utter the phrase "In RENHEREN, discover a better version of yourself", everyone in the RENHEREN is instantly filled with excitement and passion.

"In RENHEREN, meet a better self." ——This phrase encapsulates my reflection and summary of my own ten-year development and the ten-year growth of the law firm. Ten years ago, I was a slightly naive, somewhat inexperienced, and occasionally melancholic individual who encountered a better version of myself. Renheren Law Firm, which was just starting out, stumbling forward, and occasionally lost, also encountered a better version of itself. Through the "endless horizon" of the past ten years and the "weariness for the sake of love," we finally joyfully met a better version of ourselves in the "dimly lit corner" after a decade.

"In RENHEREN, meet a better self."——This is also the sincere expectation of "RENHEREN" towards all the elite colleagues gathered under its banner. "meet a better self" does not merely denote relative self-improvement in history; it rejects all self-indulgent laziness and self-deceptive satisfaction. "meet a better self" must be reflected and proven within a group of "better he/she." In "RENHEREN" , whether they are seasoned senior lawyers who have achieved fame and success or budding newcomers in the legal field, "he/she" is striving to become a better version of themselves. In the midst of this team, filled with ideals and aspirations, known as "RENHEREN" , you have no choice but to be "better", because there is no alternative to being anything but "better"!

"In RENHEREN, meet a better self."—— is not only a solemn commitment from "RENHEREN" to all individuals united under its great mission but also a testament to its unique value culture and development model after ten years of growth. "RENHEREN" guided by the principle of "integration of knowledge and action, aim at absolute perfection." relies on sincere and close teamwork and an endless pursuit of beauty. It aims to provide a solid foundation for the development of each individual who aspires to meet a better version of themselves and cultivate the best growth environment. With the companionship and support of "RENHEREN", you are not alone on the challenging path of becoming a better version of yourself.

Today, the development of "RENHEREN" is flourishing like a blazing song, and the establishment of branch offices is progressing rapidly. A large group of elite colleagues, who are eager to meet a better version of themselves, gather under the banner of "RENHEREN" and together, they are writing a more splendid legendary future for the firm. As lawyers who wear the crown of thorns and wield the sword of justice, an uncompromising attitude is the rightful approach to life. The pursuit of a better version of oneself is an ongoing journey, and there is no limit to meeting a better version of oneself. In RENHEREN, we will all encounter a better version of ourselves!

Founder and Chairman of the Board of Hunan Renheren Law Firm

Fan Jiang

(Hunan Renheren Law Firm, 10th Anniversary)

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